Pit'r Pat Cat Breath Treats

[ PAC-01024 ]
Product Review By RachelS
Posted on Friday 30 July, 2010


I have a Ragdoll/Birman cross, I discovered these when she was about 1.5 years old, and she went mad for them! At $10 a tin though, I started phasing them out, replacing them with normal kitty crunchies in the tin. Now I have rediscovered them, and she is nearly 7. Ordered these treats online, and she is back to begging like a puppy for them to be tossed on the floorboards for her to bat around and chase. God bless Pit R Pats! They really do work a treat! (Willow's waiting by the table now, with her tail swishing on the floor, and her eyes black waiting for me to toss her another one... better go!)