Cockatiels - Taming and Training


Cockatiels - Taming and Training

Tools, solutions, tricks, care and talking are covered in this comprehensive soft cover book.

  • Product Description

    The cockatiel is an intelligent, charming, and friendly little companion bird, but it's also a bird that thrives on activity. For a cockatiel, there is no fate worse than being kept alone in a cage, without social interaction. What better way to spend time with your bird and stimulate it both mentally and physically than to train it to do behaviors, tricks, and even to talk? Taking care of all of your cockatiel's needs is the only way to ensure that it is trained to its optimal potential. This book covers topics that range from selecting the right bird, to housing it, to feeding it, and handling discipline issues.

    Through training you'll teach your clever cockatiel important commands to help keep it safe, and you'll help to alleviate problem behaviors such as biting, screaming, and feather plucking. In the process you'll build a stronger relationship with your companion and give it the tools to continue to learn throughout its life.

    Soft Cover - 93 pages
    Author : Nikki Moustaki

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