Advocate - Kittens & Small Cats to 4kg - Orange 6pk


Advocate - Kittens & Small Cats to 4kg - Orange 6pk

Kills fleas, prevents heartworm, hookworm and roundworm and controls lice and ear mites with monthly topical application.

  • Product Description

    The all new Advocate for Cats kills fleas, prevents heartworm, hookworm and roundworm and controls lice and ear mites with monthly topical application.

    For :

    • Treatment and prevention of Fleas Ctenocephalides spp. Advocate reduces the incidence of Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Larval flea stages are killed in the surroundings of ADVOCATE treated pets.
    • The prevention of Heartworm Dirofilaria immitis infection.

    For the control of :

    • Roundwoms Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leoninaincluding larval (L4) and immature adult stages;
    • Hookworms Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Ancylostoma braziliense, Uncinaria stenocephala including larval (L4) and immature adult stages of all species.

    For the treatment and control of :

    • Ear mites Otodectes cynotis in cats and kittens.

    One application lasts up to a month.

    Treatment for heartworm should occur regularly at monthly intervals. For external application only.

    Dosage :
    Small cats & kittens (from 9 weeks of age) up to 4 kgs - Dark Orange Pack
    Cats over 4 kgs - Violet Pack

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Advocate - Kittens & Small Cats to 4kg - Orange 6pk

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Advocate - Kittens & Small Cats to 4kg - Orange 6pk

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