Snuggle Puppies

Snuggle Puppies

Snuggle Puppies

Offering the comforting sound of a heart beat, gentle warmth heat pad, a virtual mum for a new puppy or sick pet, help to prevent separation anxiety.

Results: 1 to 2 of 2
By JoyM
I bought one of these Snuggle Puppies for my Chihuahua and she adores it, especially in winter when it is so cold.....never tries to destroy it or chew it. They are a marvelous item for any new puppy or dog with arthritis. I am very pleased with it and would recommend it to anyone with a pet Joy McKenzie (Mrs)

Posted on Friday 21 March, 2014
By PhillipB
Hi I already have this item have sold a couple to customers that bought puppies from us. They are really cute and the pups dont appear to distroy them. THe heartbeat is so good for the puppies as it sooths the puppy at night as it thinks it was with its mum. I have just ordered 2 more, Phillip, Yendale Bichon Frise and Havanese

Posted on Friday 27 April, 2012
Results: 1 to 2 of 2